
For my planning I created some sketches of what I would like my products to look like roughly.

For my first sketch I did one for the character posters. My idea for these was to have a a black canvas with a smaller area within where the character image would go. In the top left I’ve drawn a crack mark which on the other posters may differ in different positions but that’s what I want on the poster. For the character name I’ve sketched the actor name and then the character name which will be in either a red or gold/yellowish font. I’ve also included the background colour and the release date.

Fonts mood board

To go into a bit more detail in my font research I created a mood board for potential fonts and fonts that would fit the genre really well. To find these fonts I used the website Fontspace, I used the movie category and had a thorough look through them and picked out these ones which stood out and created a moodboard using them.

Untitled design

I picked the fonts here because I thought they all could work for my movie, they are all different but could work for the same movie genre. After doing research on fonts for the genre of comedy/action, I can say that the majority of them are very bold and sometimes have something in them that signifies both genres or either genre, which is usually more action related but it differs. For me the font on here that I may use is either the ‘Son of a glitch’ one or the ‘Krunch’ one, I like the look of both and i think they would work well on my poster. Semiotics is something that will be used a lot in fonts as they often have meaning behind them and aren’t just picked randomly to have nothing to do with the actual film.


Academic theory – Semiotics

Semiotics is the study of semiosis which is also known as sign process, the semiotic tradition explores the study of signs and symbols as a significant part of communications. Semiosis is something that we see a lot especially in film posters, it’s something that I have looked into quite a few times.

This poster for Game Over, Man shows the conventions for both the action and comedy genre, by using semiotics we can see that the sign of an action genre is the explosion that is in the background of the poster and for the comedy genre we can see the props that the characters are holding are obviously done in a comedic way as one is holding a coat hanger like a gun and another one has an iron.

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For this poster of Worlds End we can see that it again has the conventions for both genres of comedy and action, we can see the fire in the back and the facial expressions of the characters which fit the action genre and then we can see the main character at the front with a beer in his hand and one of them is looking at their phone while they appear to be running away from some sort of explosion behind them, this would be considered as a comedy convention as they are clearly not taking the situation seriously like everyone else in the poster.


Analysing the conventions in these posters would be considered as semiotics because i’m studying the signs in the posters and saying what they mean or link to.

For further research I had a look at some books about semiotics, the first book I had a look at was The Subject of Semiotics by Kaja Silverman. Below is an extract from the book, it talks about what semiotics is and what it it will be used for.

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Semiotics was founded by Ferdinand de Saussure who was a Swiss linguist born on the 26th of November 1857 and died on the 22nd of February 1913

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My final idea

So after five weeks of planning I believe I have my final idea of everything I planned on doing for this project.

For an update on my last one, I have decided to make my genre not just in the action genre but the comedy genre too, one of the reasons I have made this decision is because there wont be any costume design going into this so I feel when it has the comedy genre in it the characters can wear their own clothes and my film plot will be based around this.

My idea – I’m going to be making a detailed movie poster for an Action/Comedy movie and 4 or 5 promotional posters of the characters in the movie, the posters are going to be posted on an Instagram account I will be making and I will post the main poster on the website i’m making.




Reception theory

Reception theory is how the audience react and understand media text, the goal of reception theory is to identify a range of possible reactions and interpretations at a particular moment. Stuart Hall was one of the main proponents for the reception theory, Hall’s theory was that text whether it be a film, a book or anything along those lines was interpreted differently by different people and that everyone makes something out of it even if it’s not what it’s supposed to mean but they make something out of it maybe because of their background and beliefs and this changes how something is seen by many.

I am going to try and portray this through my products by making sure that it doesn’t give off a bad message or any thing negative. The theory is very important because it’s all about how the audience respond to the product and we want a positive response, as long as I keep thinking do audiences have expectations of my product I should be alright and should get a positive outcome.

To get this information about the theory I used the wikipedia page of the theory and I also used a website called Revisionworld, which had a lot of information on the theory.

Idea update

From my research I have a few ideas of what I want to do with my product, first for the character posters, I have got the idea of making a number of separate posters for the individual characters, in these posters i’m thinking of having their character name, the name of the film and possibly a release date in there too. For me the character poster research i conducted has proved very helpful, i’m looking to try and mirror the style of poster that the ones The Umbrella Academy had, although I think mine will have a more acton inspired feel to it.

For my main poster my idea is to shoot several different shots in the photography suite and to see which one looks the most appealing at the end and which one works the best. I want to use the the photography suite because it will allow me to get the most professional and high quality looking photographs and I will also be using a white screen so editing will be a whole lot easier then it would be with just a normal photograph. The poster that I like a lot which I looked at was the Expendables 2 poster, this one just fits with that I going for so i’m looking to create something similar to this.

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Legal and ethical considerations

Legal constraints are something that may come with laws which may effect your work. The first example is the human rights act, for me this is not going to effect me at all as it has nothing to do with my work so it isn’t something I need to worry about. The next example is the defamation act which I should also be fine with as i’m making a poster and not planning on somehow insulting someone or wording any sentences that could possibly harm the company or person in any way, so I will be fine on that front. The last one is copyright which is of course the most common one and the most likely for me to infringe, the ways that I could earn this is strike is by copying another company or a certain person’s work and using it in my own work without either paying for the use or receiving permission to use it, for my poster, website and Instagram page I will be careful with all of these constraints to protect my product.

Notable organisations:

BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) – This is a non-governmental organisation that is responsible for the national classification and censorship of films, the BBFC have a few different responsibilities, these include:

  • Cinema – For the majority of the time the legal authorities who have the final say over the certificate usually accept the boards recommendation for the film.
  • Film certifications – All the films rated by the BBFC receive a certificate stating the suitable age for the film and the legal age you have to buy to buy the film. They also provide consumer advice which details any notable details about the film whether it be a violence warning or something similar.
  • Editing – The BBFC can advise cuts for less restrictive ratings, this usually happens when distributors requests for ratings haven’t been accepted and the certificate is at a more restrictive level.

ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) – This is the organisation of the advertising industry in the United Kingdom and are a self regulated organisation. The CAP code is the rule book for non-broadcast advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing communications in the United Kingdom, this code is administered by the ASA. There are 22 sections of the code that must be followed by all advertisers, media and agencies. The image below shows the 22 sections, the images are from the official wikipedia page of the CAP code.Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at 10.36.41Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at 10.37.14

The Pitch

For my pitch I was asked questions by Steve and answered them, the questions were about my project and they got me to explain all the details about my project plans that iv’e got so far. First I was asked to explain my initial plan, so I tried to explain in the most detail I could so I said I am planning to make a film poster and an Instagram page for behind the scenes access and what not. Next I was asked what my film poster would be, so I answered saying I want to make a poster for an action film. the next thing I was asked was what what did I believe I was going to go out and do for my primary research to which I answered I would ask people what they would want to see, Steve gave me the feedback of getting information about the action genre first and then I would conduct some research into my actual product. I was then asked where I would go to find my secondary research into the action genre and the film posters, so I responded by saying I would have a look at different articles on the internet and would also have a look at some books to do with the matter. Next i explained how I planned to make some rough sketches of the product and explained how I would use this to help me when creating the final product. Next I was asked about what I was planning to use to make everything, so i explained that i would like to carry out some photography using the photography room and I wold be editing and creating my product on mainly photoshop. Finally I was asked what I would be presenting my product on other than Instagram and I wasn’t sure until Steve gave me the idea of creating a website, which i now have a few ideas for of what i could include on there. This pitch will prove very helpful going forward as I can refer back to it and I have got some new ideas off of it.