Secondary research

For my secondary research I had a look at a few articles on how to make a good film poster, the articles I looked at was by WebDesignerDepot  and Colonfilm, these articles had a number of tips for me to follow when making my own poster. The first tip was that the poster needs to be eye catching as this is of course what grabs the attention of the audience, you can make this happen by making either the main image flashy or including something plot driven or something or someone such as a main character in the film. The second tip was that the poster should be theme driven but shouldn’t give away the film, so you could create a very effective and eye catching design but a simple image of a character or object in the film. The next tip that I took notice of was that it should have a lasting appeal so it should be a design that works on all platforms such as DVD’s, not just promotional purposes, so the design needs to stick and work on everything. I am now going to try and follow these tips and try and implement them into my own poster design.

Some of the poster designs used in the articles I looked at:

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